Reiki Healing

Reiki - Spiritual Healing

Experience the transformative power of Distance Reiki Healing with Jasmine, offering specialized services such as Kundalini Reiki, Lemurian Facilitation, Sekhem Reiki, Usui Reiki, and Violet Flame Reiki. Each session is designed to heal, balance, and empower your energy from the comfort of your home. Jasmine's Kundalini Reiki helps activate and tame kundalini energy, balancing chakras and regulating traumas. The Lemurian Facilitation connects you with ancient Lemurian energies for spiritual wisdom. Sekhem Reiki taps into Egyptian Alchemy for complete healing and empowerment, while Usui Reiki provides a traditional chakra cleanse and grounding. The Violet Flame Reiki transforms anxiety, grief, and self-doubt through powerful energy channeling. Each service includes a 10 minute consultation,  15-20 minute personalised session and a follow up email , distance attunement, chi ball, and comprehensive guides for continued self-healing. Enhance your spiritual journey with Jasmine's expert guidance and distance Reiki healing.

Jasmine is a highly trained Reiki healer and master, certified in various specialised Reiki practices. She has honed her skills under the guidance of renowned professionals, including Dr. Krishna N. Sharma (twice), Dr. Gihan Rak, Bella's Reiki Academy, Dr. S. Fragou, and Ms. Linda Abbott. With extensive training and certification in Kundalini Reiki, Lemurian Facilitation, Sekhem Reiki, Usui Reiki, and Violet Flame Reiki, Jasmine offers a profound and personalized healing experience. Her distance Reiki sessions are designed to heal, balance, and empower your energy, helping you on your spiritual journey from the comfort of your own home. Experience the transformative power of Reiki with Jasmine's expert guidance and support.

Please Note: The information provided during this holistic consultation/spiritual healing session is for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment.

The holistic advice/spiritual healing offered here is based on personal experience, knowledge, and holistic practices and should be considered as such. Each individual's health condition is unique; therefore, any recommendations or suggestions provided during the consultation may not be suitable for everyone.

It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner before making any decisions or changes regarding your health, lifestyle, or treatment plan. Reliance on any information provided during this consultation is solely at your own risk.

By participating in this holistic consultation/spiritual healing, you acknowledge and agree that the consultant is not liable for any direct or indirect damages or consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the information provided.

Usui Reiki

Purpose: Traditional reiki for the client who needs a basic cleanse of all chakras and to regain their throat chakra/communication skills, and obtain grounding methods at a moment's notice.

Process: A fifteen minute session with Jasmine while using the flow of the Universe's Chi in order to always carry themselves at an elevates level.

Finish: The client will also receive a distance attunement, chi ball, and full first level cheat sheet with informational PDF to perform self reiki anytime, anywhere.

Kundalini Reiki

Purpose: To help the client activate and tame their kundalini. The client need not be in an awakened state. This is to help speed along the process and help regulate all traumas and affected chakras, whether too opened or blocked entirely.

Process: One fifteen minute session with Jasmine, who will provide a session that pertains to identifying blocks and overly exposed chakras and a kundalini taming.

Finish: The client will also receive a distance attunement and a chi ball for extra protection.

Lemurian Facilitation

Purpose: For the client who wishes to access the great hall of Lemuria and empower their old lifetime(s) through the land of Mu, the once beautiful land of the divine feminine that was located along the Pacific Ocean that we now call the Pacific Islands and Hawai'i.

Process: A full guided breathwork and meditation session to channel Lemurian energy, along with full PDF documents and information that the client can take home for reference on all meditations, how to identify Lemurian seeds, and how to channel their past lives and gain more insight to Lemuria.

Finish: The client will also receive a chi ball, a Lemurian prayer, and a lifetime access attunement for permanent great hall use.

Violet Flame Reiki

Purpose: Channeling the powers of all who carry the flame via Kuan Yin, Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Krishna currents, for a transformation on obliterating anxiety, grief, and self doubt.

Process: A full 15 minute session with Jasmine on all Declarations, encompassing the Violet Flame, and accessing the currents through various deities for mindset shifting and healing.

Finish: The client will also receive a distance attunement, chi ball, informational PDF with Levels 1 through 3 VF symbols for self reiki, and access to a lifetime of meditations/resources.

Sekhem Reiki

Purpose: To gain empowerment and obtain the same current as Sekhmet, as well as lifelong knowledge of baseline Egyptian Alchemy, full healing, amplified powerful healing to the self, and possess lifelong power and access to the Breath of Fire.

Process: A full 15 minute session with Jasmine on channeling the right energies, the client will also receive PDF information and access to which elements to use in accordance with their chakra blockages, how to gain a full shield that Egyptian Royalty used during those times.

Finish: The client will also receive a distance attunement, Djed marking for life (a spiritual shield and cleanse), a chi ball, and hymns to Sekhmet.